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Welcome to NAL Paranormal Society!

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About NAL

NAL Paranormal Society is a group of 3 people that help further the scientific studies of paranormal. We help sprits in need of their release, while helping the people stuck with those spirits. If you have experienced anything you can't explain, please go to the contact page and email us or call Alex with a brief story of what happened. We may be able to help you.

Founding Members

Noah Cook (Camera Man and Audio Specialist)

I've been intrested in the paranornal since 7th grade when I first saw Ghost Adventurees on TV. I joined the group because Alex and Lynton wanted me to. Because neither Lynton or Alex are nearly as experienced in Videography as I am, they kinda needed me to record and edit the group's videos. Yes, Alex can help too with taking video and editing. I also have some equiptmnt useful for the group. I have an audio recorder, SB-11 Spirit Box, Laser grid, Tesla Coil, Mel Meter, 2 night vision cameras, a high power UV light, ect. I've never experenced anything "paranoraml" before, but I want to.

Alexander Maley (SLS, AV Specialist, and Camera Man)

I joined this group because I find the after life intriguing and want to further capture scientific data about spirts and the after life. My friend Lynton asked me one day if I believed in ghosts and stuff and thats how this all started. Then I got my friend Noah involved too because he also was intrigued by spirts. So I built a Structured Light Sensor setup to use with my crew. Usng a Laptop, xBox Kinect camera, a 12 volt battery, and a wooden board with straps attached, I was able to create a useable and functional SLS setup to capture the skelitons of spirit entities; I wear it like a mobile desk. I also use my night vision camera on investigations when not running the SLS. I have a EM pump and EM meter I could use aswell but most of the time I let other members use them since I'm busy with the SLS.

Lynton Evans (Founder, Witch, and Spiritual Analist/ Medium)

Hi I'm Lynton Evans. I've always had an interest in the paranormal for as long as I can remember. I practice and study Witchcraft. I help people with spiritual warfare, which includes cleansing homes and banishing dark entities. I also use my abilities to help sense and communicate with spirits. I use my abilities to help people always. But I have realized I can't solve these Paranormal mysteries on my own. So that's why I founded NALOJ Paranormal Society. My team members help manage plans and investigate along side Me. We try to help people with these spiritual problems and document our findings for proof of the afterlife; and to figure out the science behind it as well. We are NAL PARANORMAL SOCIETY.